403 or "Invalid Session" Error

403 or "Invalid Session" Error


Recently some browsers have enabled the blocking of "cross-site tracking" by default, which is intended to be a way to prevent ad companies from gathering your interests. However, this setting interferes with our courses from Flexpoint Education, because it uses that tracking to determine sessions for students to display course content in Agilix Buzz, our Learning Management System. 

This seems to mainly effect users of Safari at this time. If you are using Safari on either desktop or a mobile device and see an "Error 403 - Invalid Session" error, the following setting will need changed:
  1. On iPad, go to Settings app, select Safari in left-hand menu, scroll down the page, uncheck "prevent cross-site tracking" setting.  
  2. On Mac, go to the Safari app, then preferences, Privacy, uncheck "prevent cross-site tracking" setting.
Once this has been completed, refresh the page and the content should appear again. 

Additionally, the issue is generally corrected by ensuring that third-party cookies are allowed in the browser, as third-party cookies are required to access our content from some providers. Browsers handle third-party cookies differently and the default browser settings are often enough. In some cases, the user may need to allow the content URL, flvsgl.com, in their browser's cookies exception list.

If enabling third-party cookies and making sure cross-site tracking is allowed does not correct the issue, we would want to investigate those instances for other possible causes so please contact our help desk for more. 

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