Can students take their exams early?

Can students take their exams early?

Students do not have to wait to complete their semester exams until the target due dates arrive. They may complete their semester exams early if they have completed all assignments in the semester for that course. If any assignment has been skipped, it will receive a permanent zero for a grade if the student opens their semester exam. We recommend that students review their gradebook to confirm that all assignments have been submitted before starting their semester exams. Guardians and School Administrators have the ability to review the gradebook as well to confirm that all assignments have been submitted. The gradebook icon is located next to the student's name when viewing the student's list of courses on the dashboard.

(Only the semester exams are password protected and students need to ask their instructor to send the password to the assigned proctor.) There is a minimum amount of time that students are required to be in the course which is 6 weeks for 0.5 credit courses and 12 weeks for 1.0 credit courses. Students need to submit work each week of the 6 or 12 week period (even if it is only one assignment) to count towards this seat-time requirement. This can include the semester exam. As long as they are meeting these minimum requirements, they may take their exams early.