College Board Exams, AP Exams, AP Classroom

College Board Exams, AP Exams, AP Classroom

The College Board has updated their requirements for logging into their system. Students will need to read the onscreen messages when logging into the system. They are now switching the username to be the student's email address they used when setting up their account with the College Board. Students will be prompted to enter their email address and then follow the messages on the screen to update their account and start using their email to log into the system.

CollegeBoard® Exams are offered in an online format at a physical test site. Schools need to register students for this exam on their own. We cannot provide this testing.

Directions for Testing Coordinators:

Schools will need to register students for all college board exams (i.e. SAT®, PSAT®, CLEP®, AP®) through the website:

AP® Coordinators: Order AP Exams

Get all the information you need to order AP® Exams for your school.

Make sure to prepare a list of all exams that you plan to take before contacting CollegeBoard® so that they can direct you to the appropriate test coordinators in your area.

You can use this contact information as an
to the website links above:

AP® Services
P O Box 6671
Princeton, NJ 08541-6671
Phone: (609)-771-7300 or
toll-free (888)-225-5427

Directions for Students: Your AP® instructor will give you a join code to join their class section online.

AP® Exams

If your school offers AP®, contact your AP® Coordinator to register for the exams. He or she will order the necessary materials, collect fees, and let you know when and where to appear for the exams. 

Homeschooled Students or students in a school that is not an approved AP® Testing site:

Because parents and students cannot order exams directly, the AP® Program encourages schools to assist homeschooled students and students whose schools do not offer AP® courses and exams. Schools that agree to administer exams to these students should note the following:

· Locating a school: Once a parent or student locates a school willing to administer the exam(s), that school's AP Coordinator is responsible for ordering the necessary exam materials and informing the student when and where to report for the exams. The Coordinator should make sure to record the exams the student plans to take.

· Exam fees: Coordinators should collect and submit these students' exam fees with those of the Coordinator's school. Coordinators may negotiate a higher exam fee with these students to recover additional proctoring or administration costs.

· Photo ID: Coordinators should remind these students to bring valid photo identification, which must be checked on exam day.

· Exclusion from your school's grade reports: Because these students will be using a different school code (Our code is 365242.), their exam grades will not be included in the administering school's grade reports.

· Necessary accommodations: Any homeschooled student with documented disabilities must first be approved for testing accommodations by the College Board®. The student must also notify the school that accommodations may be needed.

How homeschooled students can arrange for testing:

Students can arrange to test at participating schools by following the steps below (students in mainland China should contact ):

· Contact AP® Services to get the names and telephone numbers of local AP® Coordinators. Students should prepare a list of the exams they plan to take prior to calling so that the appropriate Coordinators can be identified.

· Contact the Coordinators identified by AP® Services no later than March 30.

Students should inform each Coordinator they contact that:

· They are trying to locate a school willing to administer AP® Exams to outside students. Students should note the exams they plan to take.

· They may use our code 44041, ensuring their exam grade(s) will be reported separately from the school at which they test.

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