How is Partial Credit Issued when a Student Fails a Semester of a Full Year Course?

How is Partial Credit Issued when a Student Fails a Semester of a Full Year Course?


1. When a student fails one semester of a full year course, their attempted credit will still show as 1.0 but their earned credit needs to be changed manually to 0.5.

In this example, the student did very well in Sem 1 but did not finish/do well in Sem 2. The attempted credit shows as 1.0 because they signed up for a full course, but the earned credit at the bottom needs to be changed to a 0.5.

The final grade at the bottom left needs to match the semester that they did pass and a comment needs to be added in the Final Comments section to be clear that the final grade matches only the semester they passed NOT the average of the 2 semesters.

2. Once you made the manual changes, change the Registration Status to Completed from Active. This will send out the final report card to the student, parent and school.