How to clear your temporary internet files?

How to clear your temporary internet files?

Try using a different browser. If you’re already using a supported browser, you can refresh your screen and try again to sign in. Make sure there is not some network reason things are not loading (firewall or security at your location), and also make sure your computer date and time are correct.

Deleting Temporary Internet Files - iPhone/ iPad :

Deleting Temporary Internet Files - Google Chrome:

1. Open your browser and select the ‘History’ icon in the top right corner of the browser.

2. This window will open, then click on ‘Clear browsing data’.

3. This will open the ‘Clear Browsing Data’ menu.

Suggested checked items are:

Obliterate the following items from: the beginning of time

  • Browsing History
  • Download History
  • Cookies and other site and plug in data
  • Cached images and files.
  • Then click ‘Clear browsing data’ button, it may take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes depending on number of items that need cleared.
  • Close everything down and restart your computer.

Deleting Temporary Internet Files – Firefox:

1. Begin on the upper right-hand corner of your browser. Look for the three bars as shown here.

2. Click on it and then click on History.

Suggested checked items are:

  • Browsing
  • Download History
  • Cookies
  • Cache
  • Active Logins

3. Check suggested items and then click Clear Now

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